New Business Introductions

What We Do

The principals are Meg and Doug Bond; no one else makes the calls; you are assured of our combined 30 years experience in business development.

The primary goal of the service is to get an agency
principal in the door for a face-to-face meeting with a prospective client. We are essentially a new business “spark.”

  • We help our clients to better determine their firm’s target market.
  • We help our clients to identify who the real decision makers are.
  • We help our clients to understand what issues, and concerns are the potential motivators to move these decision makers to action.
  • We help our clients to gauge the effectiveness of their own marketing efforts.
  • We help our clients to make the distinction between an early-stage opportunity and a late-stage one.
  • We help our clients to break the destabilizing boom bust cycle of business development.
  • We help our clients to have a consistent new-business plan so that even during a great run, there’s always something in the wings.